About Us

Native began in 2018 with a simple goal: to make transformative indigenous experiences accessible to Malaysians.

We believe that Malaysia can only thrive when we meaningfully include the Orang Asli—our nation’s first builders and one of its most underserved communities. Making up just 0.6% of the Peninsular Malaysian population, they are a small but mighty group of people, already busy shaping the future they envision. And we’re on a mission to support them. We aim to do so by transforming the remaining 99.4% of Malaysians from strangers into indigenous allies, and build up voices of support for the Orang Asli.

What began as an indigenous tourism initiative has grown into a platform for advocacy and capacity building. Today, we work to strengthen intercommunity relationships by:

  1. empowering Orang Asli entrepreneurs to harness their heritage, knowledge, and natural resources to shape the future they desire, and
  2. creating opportunities for Malaysians to become meaningful allies to the Orang Asli.

Earliest nation builders. Shared their abundance with our nation, yet forced into margins due to poor public narratives and short sighted developmental policies. Such is the reality of the Orang Asli people, and we’re determined to walk with them as they work towards change.

Lacking in culturally safe, dignified livelihood opportunities.
Misconstrued public narrative surrounding the indigenous way of life.
Poor political and cultural participation and representation.

Our Malaysian Dream

Is a future where every Malaysian, including the Orang Asli, has equal opportunities to shape the nation. We want to see the autonomy of the Orang Asli respected, and as part of the 99.4%, we aim to be a model of indigenous allyship, walking alongside our Orang Asli brothers and sisters on their journey to self-determination.

Tak kenal maka tak cinta (you can’t love what you don’t know) – genuine allyship with the Orang Asli begins when we build bridges between communities that fosters understanding, support and unity. Together with our Orang Asli partners, we seek to share the wisdom of indigenous culture to nurture a powerful movement of indigenous allyship.

A Glimpse into Our Work

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Community Visits

Building intercommunity bridges through fun, immersive cultural experiences led by Orang Asli hosts.

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Cultural Food Products

Biji Bumi Durian and Perisa Punan offer cottage food products deeply rooted in indigenous culture. Made and harvested with love from partner Orang Asli communities.

Community Development Initiatives

Replicating our Community Development Framework to indigenous communities, creating sustainable livelihoods and nurturing local entrepreneurs for a brighter Malaysia.

Classroom-Based Learning

Bringing indigenous wisdom into classrooms, we partner with educators to develop curriculums that build 21st-century skills through the lens of indigenous knowledge.